
Junction 28 M5

Junction 28 M5
It never worked properly !

Possible New Junction

Possible New Junction by

Monday, 16 February 2009

Traffic & Pollution Versus Conservation Area

There is an ongoing option to build 350 houses near Knowle Lane, Cullompton, there was a requirement for a traffic management plan to address increased traffic & pollution. There were 4 options put forward (Below are details)
Devon County wanted Option 1, Mid Devon District Council wanted Option 4 (minor reduction in Pollution Tiverton Rd/ Fore St BUT an increase in Swallow Way )

Which Option if any would you prefer ? MDDC voted for Option 4

How will increased traffic affect pollution and conservation area right through the town.

Option1 includes banning vehicles turning right from Tiverton Road into High Street and banning left turners from High Street into Tiverton Road. This would require a Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) and although reducing conflict at the Tiverton Road/High Street junction, it would redistribute traffic on the wider network but the impact is likely to be negligible as this would be over a wider area. This option would not affect the currently provided bus services.

Option 2 includes making Tiverton Road one way eastwards (between the High Street/Tiverton Road junction to just before the fire station) so that traffic can travel towards the town but could not turn from High Street into Tiverton Road. This would enable the fire vehicles to travel in either direction from the fire station and remove the conflict at the junction. It would mean that traffic would be redistributed along Swallow Way and the wider area so the impact is likely to be negligible as this would be over a wider area. This would require a TRO and would affect the bus service

Option 3 also includes making Tiverton Road one-way but westwards so that traffic can only travel in the Tiverton direction. This would restrict the movement of fire vehicles and also the bus services. A TRO would be required.

Option 4 includes making High Street on way southwards (from Tiverton Road junction to Lower Bullring) and Tiverton Road one way eastwards (from the fire station only). This would in effect create a one way system around the town and enable other works to take place to improve the town centre. This would also require a TRO.

Can you beat the planners with a better way ?


  1. Is there an Option 5 to do nothing?

  2. Option 4 would work as long as you could let people park for 30 mins on one side of the road, this would, im sure bring the town back to life, why cant you see this. Lets stop talking about it and start doing something before its to late.

  3. Option 4 would stop the bus service doing return journey up Tiverton Road, bus company will challenge that, also part time fire fighters would not be able to go up Tiverton Rd when called out from their work places in the town.

    Mid Devon District Council have indicated that Fore St could be narrowed in places when a one way Street, it should be noted that Devon County Highways wanted option 1 .

  4. No, there are no RAF bases nearby.

  5. Richard Priestley1 April 2010 at 11:14

    Option 4 is all very well except for residents of Fore street, which would mean, for them, coming off the M5 and driving all the way up Tiverton road, round the estate and down onto Colebrook lane, just to acheive what would have been a short drive along Fore street,try doing that every time you want to go home on your street, it would be completely intolerable,not to mention a waste of fuel, and environmentally damaging due to extra pollution.

  6. Most people know that the Options suggested will not work, Mid Devon and County even disagree with each other over this, its nice to hear the views of others that will be affected by poor reasoning by higher authorities.


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